The Boght and Oakwood Veterinary Clinics currently employ a staff of Licensed Veterinary Technicians to assist the doctors with the treatment of our patients. These technicians have obtained an advanced degree and have been licensed in New York State. Their goal is to assist the doctors with the treatment of our patients by performing routine procedures including X-rays, blood draws for lab work, and administering medications. This frees up the doctors to talk in-depth with a client either in person or on the phone and allows them to move through their daily appointments in a timely manner.
During morning surgeries the technicians can assist the doctor during any procedure, will perform routine dental procedures, and are responsible for post-surgical anesthesia monitoring. They frequently check a patient’s vital signs when in surgery and when they are waking up, making sure their charges are comfortable and that they are coming around as we would expect them to. They can alert the doctors immediately if there are any problems.
You may see the licensed technicians for routine appointments as well. If you call either office for routine visits for procedures such as nail trims, to have your dog’s anal glands expressed, or need to have blood drawn for tests the doctors have ordered, the receptionist may ask if you want to be scheduled with one of our licensed technicians. Again this allows the doctors and staff to treat all our patients more effectively.
The addition of the licensed technicians to our clinic teams has been a benefit to our clinic support staff as well. They can help the veterinary assistants during busy times and provide knowledge and training for the receptionists and our animal care attendants.