The Fourth of July is one of our favorite holidays! Every year staff from the Boght and Oakwood Veterinary Clinics get together for fun, food, and fireworks. And you’d think a party of Veterinarians and clinic staff would mean lots and lots of pets… right? Well, not so much. While we would all love to be able to bring our pets to all the parties, we are also aware that holidays like the 4th of July pose significant safety hazards to our furry best friends. Here are some ways you can keep your pet safe this 4th of July.

First and foremost, leave your pet at home for parties. Crowded and unfamiliar places can cause panic. If your pet loves people and parties check with your hosts if there is a safe place, inside, for your pet to go if they are getting overwhelmed, or before the fireworks begin. Please do not plan to put your pet in the car for fireworks. If it is hot, there is an obvious risk for heat stroke. However, even if it is a cool enough evening the stress of being so close to such loud noises and bright lights can cause your pets to become agitated and hurt themselves.
During fireworks the best place for your pet to be is inside. You want them to feel safe and comfortable. If your dog is crate trained that is an excellent option. If they are not crate trained you may want to consider closing them into a bedroom or other place where they are comfortable and away from exterior doors. You can play calming music to muffle the noise of the fireworks, and give them a special toy or treat to distract them.
More pets are lost on July 4th than any other day of the year. This is usually due to them trying to get away from the loud noises and bright lights of fireworks. Before the holiday make sure your pet’s information is up-to-date at their veterinary clinic. Check to be sure that their ID tags have the correct address, phone number, and are legible. If their collar is beginning to wear out, invest in a new one that won’t come off easily if it gets snagged on a fence or bushes. If your pet is microchipped, make sure the information attached to the chip is current. If your pet is not microchipped, talk to your veterinarian about the benefits of doing so. Also, take a photo of your pet regularly so that you will always have an up-to-date picture to share in the event that your pet is lost.

Any summer gathering can have dangers for our furry friends. If you are having a backyard barbeque keep an eye on your pet and the table scraps. Corn on the cob, and chicken bones, both very popular summer cook-out foods, can cause intestinal blockage. Make sure you have garbage cans readily available for your guests to place their scraps. Also, be sure that you communicate with your guests to not feed your pets from the picnic table. The high fat content and grease in our food can cause quite the upset stomachs in our pets. Pets should absolutely not be given alcohol! Read more about why, and other foods that are poisonous to pets HERE.
We hope that all of our patients have a safe and happy holiday!